First and foremost I am a programmer. In over a decade I have worked in companies both big and small. I have been in hypergrowth startup environments, established corporations and everything in between.

My personal path has also been quite diverse. I started as an engineer, then went to several people management roles eventually landing back on an engineering track in role of an architect. I am a generalist, I love learning and I am interested in all aspects of software development. That being said, I have mostly been active in web development, backend in particular. Lately I have been more focusing on Public Cloud and DevOps especially using AWS.

I speak several languages, both natural and programming. You can talk to me in English, German, Serbian, Croatian or my native Slovenian. On the programming side Python has always been one of my favourites, however professionally Java is the one I use most. I always come back to Javascript too, if not for the fronted then for DevOps tasks. I can program in a number of other languages as well, but I don't use them very often.

If you want to get in touch with me, drop me a message on one of the social networks e.g. LinkedIn or Twitter.

I have too many other interests to describe here, beside that is not the point of this blog.